Bulk payment

Disburse a large quantity of payments in one click and increase beneficiary satisfaction

Speed up the payments for your operations

Make 5000+ payments in a single operation: salaries, bonuses, mission expenses and various outgoings.

Consult and export instant reports of reconciled payments, including the beneficiary, amount, date, payment method, and all transaction information.


  • Accelerate your payments

    Pay directly from your mobile money account

  • Secure and accelerate your collection

    Transfers to your account are directly guaranteed and secured

  • Optimize your accounting

    Easily view and export instant reports of easily reconcilable payments

How does it work?



Charge your payment list (beneficiaries and mobile money)



Verify and validate payment to all beneficiaries with one click



Consult and export instant payments reports for easy reconciliation

Request a demo

Our teams are ready to help you streamline your financial transactions
  • A sales representative will contact you

  • The solution will be configured according to your options

  • You will be trained to use the solution

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