Payment of taxes and customs

Customs, taxes, duties...
Make payments for your declarations without leaving your place

Pay at any time and anywhere!

Tax office closed? One-Stop Shop inaccessible? Bank closed?
Pay your taxes, customs fees, and duties with peace of mind, from our platform.


  • Pay at any time

    Across all mobile money networks, even when the payment center is closed

  • Reduce your costs

    By paying on our platform, you reduce your operational costs

  • Pay securely

    Avoid handling cash, risks of fraud, theft, assault, and processing errors

How does it work?



Choose the service to pay



Fill out the form and validate the payment



Invoice settled with the supplier

Request a demo

Our teams are ready to help you streamline your financial transactions
  • A sales representative will contact you

  • The solution will be configured according to your options

  • You will be trained to use the solution

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