
Comme de nombreux clients, adoptez Maviance pour faciliter vos encaissements et accélérer vos paiements


More cash-out opportunities, fewer long queues, while automating your revenue accounting
Save yourself the hassle of residual payments, while giving your customers the choice to pay with the mobile money of their choice
Transfers to your account are directly guaranteed and secure
Easy transaction processing and reconciliation


Payment Link

Your customer receives a page where they pay securely

QR Codes

Equipped with a smartphone, your customer scans and pays by Mobile Money


Accept payments across all mobile money networks


Secure payments


View all transactions in detail and export them in real time


Easy reconciliation and traceability of all transactions


Like many customers, adopt Maviance to facilitate your clients’ payments.
We are extremely satisfied now that customers no longer complain about currency issues or non-existent mobile money merchant codes. Additionally, thanks to QR codes, customers pay quickly, easing congestion at our cash registers. As a result, our daily customer count has increased.

Request a demo

Our teams are ready to help you streamline your financial transactions
  • A sales representative will contact you

  • The solution will be configured according to your options

  • You will be trained to use the solution

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