
Avoid currency problems and the risk of assault when handling cash
Don’t store cash, everything is done by mobile money
Rapidly increase your revenues by enabling payment via mobile money
View payment history and export reports



Digitalize your payments and say goodbye to theft and muggings


More payment methods, fewer shopping cart abandonments


Pay all Mobile Money


Secure payments


All your transactions reconciled, viewable and exportable


Manage your payments, agencies and agents on a single platform


Assurez la sécurité des paiements et la traçabilité des paiements 

Encaisser du cash à longueur de journée nous expose à des braquages et malheureusement à des détournements et vols de la part de certains agents. Grâce à Maviance, tout est digitalisé, sécurisé, comptabilisé.
Benjamin A.
Percepteur des douanes
Collecting cash all day long exposes you to robberies and, unfortunately, to embezzlement and theft by certain agents. With Maviance, everything is digitized, secured and accounted for.


Comme de nombreux clients, adoptez Maviance pour faciliter vos encaissements et accélérer vos paiements

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Our teams are ready to help you streamline your financial transactions
  • A sales representative will contact you

  • The solution will be configured according to your options

  • You will be trained to use the solution

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